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How To Never Run Out Of Content Ideas

Content marketing can sometimes feel like spinning plates. From developing a content marketing strategy to monitoring and analyzing results, there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done.

So, when disaster strikes and you find yourself staring at a blank page, it can be difficult to know where to turn.

Whether you failed to prioritize your content marketing strategy or got sidetracked by your never-ending to-do list, don't throw in the towel.

With that in mind, we've compiled some tips to help pull you out of your creative rut and never run out of content ideas again.

A Short Summary

Have you been desperately trying to think of a good content idea for hours but ended up staring at your home page? If so, we're here to help.

Sometimes you have too many social media content ideas to know what to do with, but when writer's block kicks in, it can feel like you'll never come up with another good content idea again.

The good news is that it happens to everyone from time to time - you're not alone.

So, what can you do to ensure you never run out of inspiration? Here are a few ideas to start you off:

  1. Conduct audience research
  2. Monitor industry trends
  3. Repurpose some of your old content
  4. Brainstorm with your team
  5. Use social media
  6. Analyze your competitors' content ideas
  7. Use keyword research
  8. Leverage news and current events
  9. Ask for feedback
  10. And take a break!

That might seem like a lot to take in - especially if you're already overwhelmed - so, let's break things down.

Conducting audience research is the best way to get direct feedback from your most valuable source: the people that consume your content. Simply asking your followers what they think can help you with some good content ideas.

  • Monitoring industry trends can help you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to your content. If you're stuck in a vacuum you might miss key opportunities to be a thought leader in your industry.
  • Repurposing old content is a great way to recycle content that performed well in the past without needing to think of new content ideas. Try turning a blog post into a podcast or customer data into a case study.
  • Brainstorming with a team means you can discuss unique perspectives, which can generate interesting social media content ideas.
  • Social media can be one of your most valuable tools when it comes to generating your own ideas. Check out what other people are doing for inspiration.
  • Analyzing your competitors' social channels and websites can help you fill in the gaps and show what you're missing.
  • Keyword research can be another great tool when you're struggling to think of a content idea. Pick a topic and find out what keywords can optimize your search engine rankings.
  • News and current events can also help you think of relevant post ideas. Whether it relates to your industry or not, finding a way to link it to your brand can ensure it performs well.
  • Feedback from your colleagues or followers can help you see what's missing from your content. Throwing in an incentive encourages people to get involved.
  • Finally, taking a break can help you clear your mind and come back to the drawing board with a fresh perspective. Try going for a walk, watching a movie, or simply sitting back and observing the competition.

Conduct Audience Research

The best people to turn to for content ideas are the people consuming and engaging with your content: your audience.

It can be daunting to ask your core consumers for content ideas, but there are ways to get valuable information and feedback without letting them know that you've hit a creative wall.

How to conduct audience research

Posting a simple poll or question on your social media platforms will encourage your audience to interact with you and, more importantly, works wonders for your engagement.

Polls and questions can be straight to the point. What kind of content do you want to see us create? What kind of content would you like to see more of? What topic have you always wanted us to cover in a blog post?

Depending on how much in-depth feedback you want, your audience can pick from pre-selected answers or provide an open-ended response.

Encouraging your audience to express their opinion will give you a better idea of what kind of content will perform well. Starting an online conversation is a great way to build a relationship with your existing audience and connect with potential customers.

While you may not get as many responses, emailing customers who have signed up for your newsletter with a survey or questionnaire can be another great way to get in-depth feedback.

If people care enough about your brand to sign up for your newsletter, they obviously care about the kind of content you are creating.

This can help you craft content that resonates with your target audience and allows you to optimize your content marketing strategy going forward.

Monitor Industry Trends

By now it (almost) goes without saying: the marketing industry is constantly evolving.

In this digital age, things can change at the drop of a hat. Long-form content, for example, has gradually been replaced by short-form content over the past few years.

Your existing content marketing strategy might have worked well for you so far, but there will come a time when you need to sit down and generate some fresh ideas. One of the best ways to do this is to monitor industry trends.

This can help you get a sense of what other people in your industry are doing and why they are doing it.

It won't be as specific to your audience as asking them directly, but it can be a good place to start if your mind has gone blank.

How to keep up with current industry trends

User-generated content, influencer marketing, artificial intelligence, and short-form videos are popular content marketing trends this year.

Tapping into these trends can help you stay relevant and appeal to your target audience.

Even if you don't usually post that kind of content, trying something new can give your brand a much-needed boost.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is assuming you know what is best for your brand. You may know what your audience likes, but churning out the same topics week after week can be off-putting. Consumers like consistency, but not to the point of boredom.

The content you create and share is only a fraction of what your audience consumes daily. It must make an impact tostand out in such a crowded market.

Repurpose Old Content

In today's vast marketing landscape, creating content that cuts through the noise is easier said than done. But, when it comes to content creation, the saying, "work harder, not smarter," is more accurate than ever.

Have you ever wasted time and money coming up with what you thought was a great idea only for it to flop? While this thankfully doesn't happen too often, it can make you question everything you thought you knew.

Instead of trying to come up with new ideas, the answer to your prayers could lie in the content you've already published. In other words: reposting existing content but with a spin on the original post.

When done well, repurposing your top-performing posts can boost your thought leadership and improve your SEO rankings.

Not only that, but recycling content can extend your reach to prospective customers and might even get your creative juices flowing again!

Because everyone prefers different content formats, repurposing old content can be the difference between someone viewing your content and ignoring it. This can help you build relationships with your target audience and keep things interesting.

What types of content can be repurposed?

Taking some interesting facts from a video and transforming them into eye-catching graphics can help you reach new audiences. How-to videos also work well repurposed as listicles.

It isn't just video content that can be repurposed. Blog posts can be turned into podcasts, presentations can be turned into slide decks, and customer data can be turned into case studies. Instagram Reels also work well on TikTok.

Looking back at your social media analytics from the past year can be a good way to decide what content to repurpose. It can be tempting to give a poorly-performing piece of content another chance but there's no point recycling something that flopped once already.

Another good tip when selecting content to repurpose is to only choose evergreen pieces. This is content with information that won't age and is unlikely to need updating.

For example, a blog post on the best content ideas for 2023 will become redundant by 2024. Instead, choose a blog post talking about the importance of good content ideas or how to create engaging content for your brand. These topics have a longer shelf life and shouldn't need updating quite as often.

Updating old posts with new information can also help you stay current and ensure you're only ever always giving out accurate information to your customers.

Brainstorm With Your Team

Coming up with content creation ideas can be tiring - especially if you are getting nowhere. Getting others involved can be a fun way to discuss great ideas and reach a practical solution.

Organizing brainstorming sessions within your company can be beneficial for several reasons. It can help you generate new ideas, lets your employees know you care about their input, and sparks your creativity.

Everyone has a different opinion and sometimes having a conversation with a group of interesting people can be the push you need to think outside of the box.

This can also be a great opportunity to discuss future plans for your brand and ask for feedback on your content strategy. Some might think your content calendar is first-class, while others think it needs improving. But you won't know until you get everyone together for a good brainstorming session.

Someone might also have connections with thought leaders in your industry and can provide a better insight into what your competitors are doing based on current trends. This can help you be the best in your industry.

However, to get the best out of your brainstorming sessions, there are some things you should know.

Tips for a good brainstorming session

Everyone must be on the same page and focused on a common goal. You might be battling writer's block, so if your colleagues aren't coming up with good ideas, any brainstorming session will be totally pointless.

When you're in a group setting, having something physical to work on can also prevent everyone from talking over each other. This could be mind maps, flashcards, or even just a piece of paper.

Once everyone has come up with an idea or two, presenting them to the group can trigger a group discussion and provide valuable feedback and constructive criticism. This could then progress to a voting round where the most-loved ideas are selected for use in your content marketing strategy.

Use Social Media

When it comes to content ideas, social media can be your best friend.

With over 4.59 billion global users in 2022, social media should be a crucial aspect of your content marketing strategy - if it isn't already.

This figure is also on track to hit 5.85 billion in 2027, making it one of the fastest-growing industries in the world.

Whether you're online friends with fellow creatives or follow a few competitors, a quick glance at your social channels can be all it takes to get your brain buzzing again.

How to use social media to come up with content ideas

The best way to use social media to find a content idea is to scour hashtags that are popular in your industry.

So, if you work in digital marketing, #digitalmarketing, #socialmediamarketing, and #contentmarketing are just some of the hashtags that can let you know what others are posting about.

Trending hashtags can also be a great place to find social media post ideas. Even if they don't relate to your brand or industry, finding a way to work them into your content can help you stay relevant.

However, the easiest way to find social media content ideas is simply to keep a close eye on what everyone else is doing on each social network.

This is called social media monitoring or social media listening.

If you've noticed that most of your competitors are all posting how-to guides or thought leadership pieces all of a sudden, it's probably because everyone else is.

While it goes without saying that you should never copy another brand's content word-for-word, social media is a great place to get some inspiration.

For example, if you come across a content idea that you think your audience would like, there is nothing wrong with taking the basic skeleton of the piece but adding your own unique twist to it. This could be anything from the color scheme used in a graphic to the way a blog post has been arranged.

Another good way to make the most of social media is to monitor your analytics and revisit high-performing posts that you didn't fully capitalize on. Did you delve into streaming videos but never quite commit to a full series? Did you plan to post long-form content but only publish a single post? Have you always wanted to start posting YouTube videos?

Sometimes the best content ideas come from ideas you already had in the past but you'll never know how successful they can be if you never revisit them.

Popular social media networks are usually good at providing inspiration but if you're struggling, tapping into lesser-known social media channels might help. LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest, and Quora can be useful for finding trending topics that you can turn into content.

This could be a trending topic you turn into a blog, an image you turn into a graphic, or even a question you ask your audience. Taking a risk and trying something new can be daunting but it could end up starting a trend and becoming a thought leader in your industry.

Analyze Your Competitors

The best way to find out what content works well in your industry is to analyze what your competitors are doing. This is called competitive content analysis and can help you determine what you're doing right (and wrong).

But before you analyze your competitors, you must identify and define who your competitors are. This might sound easy enough but comparing yourself against the wrong competitors is more common than you might think.

How to define your competitors

Most brands make the mistake of only competing against other companies in their own industry but in today's day and age, you must compete against everyone. So the next time you see someone post a great blog post or a killer infographic, don't assume you shouldn't be competing with them just because they're in a different industry.

The more brands you try to blow out of the water, the better the chance you have of rising to the top of your industry. This can also prevent you from just doing the bare minimum when it comes to your content.

What to look for when analyzing your competitors

Once you have a good idea of the type of brands you should be competing with, you can get to work coming up with some quality content that adds more value to your audience than even the biggest thought leaders of your industry.

Start by scouring your competitors' websites for pages your own content is missing. This is known as gap analysis. Whether it's a section for customer reviews and testimonials or a page on company culture, making sure you also create that content can put you in a better position to outrank them.

Do they have an extensive FAQ? Do they have a page dedicated to help and advice? How do they mix up the content on their site? Do they have a great post on a topic you haven't even covered? These are just some of the questions you should be asking yourself when analyzing your competitors.

When you do this, pay special attention to the brands that you commonly lose customers to as this could help you attract potential customers.

Use Keyword Research

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of improving your website's search engine rankings. By optimizing your content for search engines, you can ensure your audience sees your content first.

Keyword research is how you find out what search terms your target audience is searching for and is much easier than it sounds (we promise). It can help you find out what keywords your competitors are ranking for and can be a helpful tool for coming up with tried and tested content ideas from your industry.

  • Some of the questions you should be asking yourself when carrying out keyword research are: What kind of keywords do I want to be known for?
  • How much of my target audience is searching for this keyword?
  • What are people looking for when they search for this keyword?

This can help you know what keywords to include when you create content going forward.

What are the best keyword research tools?

Don't know where to start? Don't worry. There are numerous keyword research tools available online to get you into the habit of using keyword research whenever you're struggling to think of a content idea.

Some of the most popular examples include Google Keyword Planner, Reddit Keyword Research Tool, and GrowthBar. The only thing you need to do is search for a particular topic and the website will do the hard work for you and tell you what related keywords you should include in that piece of content.

The more top-performing keywords you include in your content, the more likely you are to outrank your competitors and become the first choice for people searching for relevant keywords in your industry. This can boost brand awareness and, more importantly, ensure your content is being consumed by the right people.

Leverage News and Current Events

Sometimes the best way to come up with potential ideas for relevant articles is to stop and take a look at what is happening in the world around you.

Regardless of what industry you work in, news and current events can be a great way to keep your audience informed or just put a fresh spin on a topic you've already covered.

For example, if there is a breaking story related to your industry, your audience may not know about it yet. This can give you a golden opportunity to become a credible source of information within your niche and strengthen trust between you and your followers.

These kinds of posts can be light and informative (e.g. an infographic) or more complex and in-depth (e.g. a long-form video). But the goal should be to prove to your audience that you're aware of industry trends and are a reputable and trustworthy source of information.

This can be difficult if you rely on automation tools to automatically publish content but relevant and time-sensitive content should still be posted from time to time to let your audience know you're up to date on current news.

Can I leverage general news stories?

While industry news will help you appeal to your audience, publishing content based on general news and current events can help you expand your reach and drive more traffic to your brand.

This can be as simple as asking your followers what they think about a developing story, but you must avoid saying anything that could be deemed controversial. This can lead to your brand earning a negative reputation which, in today's digital landscape, can be difficult to shake.

The safest way to post content inspired by news and current events is to keep it as close to home as possible. In other words, only post content you are confident your audience will like and engage with.

This kind of content also tends to perform well across social media because it is fresh and current. So if you can post about a recent news story and find a way to relate it to your brand, your audience is almost guaranteed to engage with it.

Ask For Feedback

When you think you have a good content idea, asking for feedback can help you know whether it is likely to flourish or flop. This can be as simple as asking a colleague what they think or opening the room up to your most loyal followers - your core consumers.

Similarly, taking to social media to ask your audience how they feel about your brand is a foolproof way to get open and honest feedback. Posting a simple question can spark an online conversation that can give you some great ideas.

Replying to comments or asking follow-up questions about common themes can also strengthen trust between you and your audience and let them know you value their opinion. After all, they are the people you are trying to impress with your content.

Some brands have also had success in asking for feedback with an added incentive. For example, sharing a short survey might get you a few responses but offering a prize can encourage more people to take part. This could be anything from a brand product to a voucher.

How can customer feedback be repurposed?

Once you have the information you need, it can be repurposed for customer testimonials, reviews, or even case studies, which are great for attracting new customers. Success stories from current customers are particularly good for brand awareness.

You might be surprised at some of the feedback you receive but any feedback, good or bad, can help you improve your content strategy and create better content going forward. This can also help you save time by only creating and sharing content your audience wants to see.

Even small businesses can benefit from asking for feedback. Whether you have 50 followers or 5,000, your audience is the most important aspect of your brand and is the only reason you are creating content in the first place.

So, the next time you're feeling stuck for a content idea, try asking your audience. You're guaranteed to get some good ideas and can find out exactly what your followers think of your existing content and social strategy. It's a win-win situation!

Take a Break

It might sound counter-intuitive, but taking a step back from content creation can be what you need to find a fresh perspective. This can be a good strategy if you've tried everything else and nothing has worked.

Whether you need a week-long break or just some time away from your desk, spending hours trying to come up with content ideas can be exhausting and make it difficult to think clearly. It could also be what is stopping you from coming up with new content ideas in the first place.

Think back to the last time you took a break from your personal social media platforms. Did you come back feeling refreshed? Were you ready to create content again? Did you have more time to spend with family and friends?

How can taking a break help with content ideas?

For some people, the best articles often come from being inspired by something completely unrelated to the brand. For example, a walk through the park with a friend can clear your head and inspire you to create a story your readers would find interesting.

Watching a movie or series or reading a book might also give you a great idea for a post that you wouldn't have otherwise thought about. Trending movies and series are also useful material for meme posts which tend to do well across social media because most people understand and can relate to them.

This can also give you a chance to sit back and watch what other people in your industry are doing. From thought leaders to an influencer you admire, taking inspiration from people that are killing the content game can help you to do the same.

When you're looking at what other people are doing, try to find out where they are getting their inspiration from. If you can base your content on the same ideas or take the same approach to your content creation ideas, you could soon be achieving similar levels of success. And you never know - your next article could be your best-performing piece of content yet.


What is the most popular type of content?

While written content has always been a popular content idea, short-form videos (Instagram Reels, Snapchat Stories, and TikToks) are becoming increasingly popular. This is largely due to an increase in video-sharing social media platforms.

What content ideas never go out of style?

Content marketing trends come and go. However, blog content has stood the test of time due to its ability to tell a story. Having a list of blog content ideas can ensure you always have something to share.

What makes a good guest post?

Anyone can write a run-of-the-mill guest post, but it takes skill to write a great one. A great post will align with both your and the author's brand, mention thought leaders in your industry, and provide a call to action.




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